Wednesday 6 January 2016


What are three bad habits that will kill your spiritual growth as a Christian and stunt your faith? What things can you think of?

One guy said that he lost his temper with his wife and said something he regretted. In actuality, he didn't lose it; he found it. But maybe he needed to lose it. Anger is almost always a pride issue when we lose our temper. Righteous indignation is not what I'm talking about here because when we see a child abused, children aborted, or rioting and looting, getting angry is a natural feeling. What I mean by losing our temper is when someone cuts in front of us in traffic or in line and suddenly we unleash the middle finger or profanity-laced words come flying out of our mouth. The thing is, you can't ever take words back. It takes 10 times the amount of time to clean up the damage by one single outburst. James wrote that "the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God," and so we should "put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness" (James 1:20-21). A bad temper can destroy your spiritual growth because you're always doing damage control by trying to apologize time and again, and it really does destroy your Christian testimony and kill your spiritual growth.

I knew a couple that had problems coming to church. Their attendance was very sporadic. They would be gone about two out of every five Sundays, and then it got to be three out of every four. Over time they stopped coming to church altogether. The man started drinking and became hooked on pornography. His wife was on the verge of leaving him, and that was when he contacted me for some counseling. What he and his wife were doing was "forsaking the assembling of [themselves] together, as is the manner of some" (Heb 10:25), and they missed the encouragement of one another in the church (Heb 10:26). Not being within the Body of Christ, they missed out on worshiping God and the joy that brings. They missed out on the fellowship of the saints, and they missed out on being fed the Word of God on a regular basis. They were literally starving to death from a lack of the Bread of Life. This really stunted their spiritual growth, and it about caused them to divorce.

One of my old seminary professors wisely said that prayer is the pulse of the believer's spiritual temperature. If there's a slowing or decreasing pulse in prayer, then there is spiritual decay, and the fellowship between them and God is affected. Add to that a lack of regular Bible reading and you have a recipe for killing your spiritual growth. I have counseled so many people who are struggling with their faith. They begin to doubt their salvation, and then they stop reading the Bible altogether. It is a self-replicating cycle. They pray less; they read less. The less they pray and read, the more they get into the habit of doing neither. Reading the Bible will lessen your doubts. Not reading the Bible will increase your doubts. The exact same thing goes for prayer.

Take your spiritual temperature once in a while and ask yourself: Is my temper ruling me, or am I ruling my temper? Am I failing to assemble and worship with the saints? Then I may be failing in other areas, too. Is my prayer life and Bible reading declining? If so, my spiritual growth is, too. Those are three bad habits that will kill your spiritual growth for sure.
May God richly bless you,
Pastor Jack Wellman


Friday 13 November 2015



Alternative is seeming the opposite of indispensable. While the fomer is about a noun " offering or expressing a choice," indispensable connotes that which is "not subject to being set aside or neglected. It is a thing or a person that is regarded as absolutely necessary and essential."  Even to a medicine that can cure an ailment, the alternative to its non availability is death. God forbid!

God made man to realize his limitations. No man can add a cubic to his lifespan. God can raise stones to serve his purpose in the land of the living. Donkey had spoken to human being before. Fish was used to bring forth money.  Fish had carried a man ashore from ragging waters. Water had been made a rammed  ground for people to walk upon. A bird was assigned to and brought food for God's servant during drought. There's always an alternative to anything, any place and any individual.

We must see life as filled with alternatives.  Leaders must see their lives as transient. Couples must enjoy themselves fully.  It should be noted that whatever you refuse to give or accept from your spouse may be gotten from an alternative. Ungodly as it sounds, sooths or serves, it is not the original nor be regarded as the best,  but an alternative.

Alternative can not always offer  originality in continuity of service. Hence, we must insist on the best and not the alternative. Your being indispensable should advise you to do your best and make needed sacrifices to keep any relationship you enter into to work. In marriage , finance, romantic sex dynamics, communication and related matters must be shared intimately.

Alternatives are outside,  no one is indispensable. That is the foundation of discretions and discrete lives. Let us learn from the indispensable God and be so close to each other and see the alternatives as inferior to the original. Sustain every relationship with sacrifice . You must realise that alternative is appealing to an individual who is not fulfilled. Be fulfilled in one another. Avoid alternatives.

Relationship Advisor for Maximum Output
Nov 11, 2015

Tuesday 10 November 2015

5 Essential Lessons From The Life And Times Of Deacon Gamaliel Onosode

5 Essential Lessons From The Life And Times Of Deacon Gamaliel Onosode

October 2, 2015 Inspirational Stories
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When the news of the death of Deacon Gamaliel Offoritsenere Onosode filtered the media some days ago, Nigerians from all works of life cannot but pour in their condolences. There is no doubt the country has lost one of its greatest technocrats and seasoned administrators.

Different names were used to describe the impact Onosode made in Nigeria's public and private sector; boardroom Czar, Colossus etc. The fact is; Deacon Onosode is true to type and has set his mark on the sand of time and engraved his name among Nigeria greatest citizens that ever lived.

But how was he able to gain such kind of influence and affluence in his lifetime? Looking through his biography, one can easily spot five markers that set him apart from others. These markers are worthy lessons anyone aspiring to rise to prominence should learn.

1. He was raised with discipline and the fear of God

Of many things that contributed to his success, Onosode was always making reference to the strict family background he had. Not only was the background strict, it was also one that was filled with instructions about God. Little wonder why Deacon Onosode grew up as a devout Christian who was proud of his faith and preferred to be referred to as Deacon even in boardroom meetings.

I'm convinced that his appellation as 'Mr Integrity' didn't just come from discipline alone but also from the fear of God that ensues from understanding biblical principles. He took his faith to the public and private sector and has no stain. That's worthy of emulation! Here is what former President Goodluck Jonathan wrote about him:

In the difficult ter­rain of public service, Onosode excelled through dedication and selfless service, resulting in his immense contributions to the nation's development and economic growth. He operated ahead of his time by striving to introduce a controlled ap­proach to public finance, at a time when prudent management of resources was largely ignored in many public offices. He was a devout Christian whose ex­emplary life positively affected the lives of many Nigerians.
2. He was a man committed to excellence and growth

Onosode would not have risen to prominence if he had not been committed to excellence, growth and personal development. He was said to have 'operated ahead of his time'. This shows that even when the examples around him were not looking like what should be, he took a step further to break new frontiers and set a pace for others to follow. That's the power of vision! One would never be able to attain excellence unless one is being driven by a great vision. His commitment to excellence and growth brought him to the limelight and attracted patronage from all and sundry.

3. He did not follow crooked means to rise to prominence

We have had it several times that if you want to be successful in life and especially in a country like Nigeria, you may have to be dubious or fetish. Many people of his rank rose to prominence either by dubious or fetish means. Even with hard work, some still believes in some quarters that you may need to join occultic groups to aid your rise in life. Onosode's life has proven that those are not required for prominence in life. He proved with his life that biblical integrity, hard work and dedication are enough to rise to any height in life.

4. He was a man of many hats

Since success principles are universal, they are also replicable. Onosode replicated his successful life in virtually all his endeavour. He started a church (Good News Baptist Church) in his sitting room in Lagos on 1st February 1984. The church boasts of over 2000 members today, one that is well reckoned with in his Baptist denomination.

He served as Pro-Chancellor for quite a number of top universities and tertiary institutions in Nigeria. He was chairman board of directors for many private companies in Nigeria and was at a time the Presidential Candidate of the All Nigeria People's Party. He made his mark all around. Onosode also maintained his root with his native Urhobo community and sometimes dressed in his native attires to functions. He was once said to have delivered a poetic speech absolutely in Urhobo language to the amazement of his fellow kinsmen.

5. He lived long enough to fulfil his dreams

When you see Deacon Onosode even at his old age, he still looked fit and wears a countenance that is appealing. That must have been born out of a life of discipline that must have included proper diet, exercise and a good approach to life. It's not far-fetched to see people with growing wealth to begin to grow bellies. Old age is a gift from God, but human beings have responsibilities to keep fit too. He must have strived over the years to keep his body in good condition. Even at 82, he wasn't preparing to die as he told a close source he would be back soon in Nigeria from his trip abroad. But as God would have it, he was back home to go home.

The article '5 Essential Lessons From The Life And Times Of Deacon Gamaliel Onosode' appeared first on Temitope Akinola's Blog



Disabilities  and limitations are human. To be weak is temporary. To manifest weakness requires intentional effort so that such is overcomed.

Grace has been a divine solution to man's weaknesses. Knowledge is a remedy to weak points or areas. We all need the sufficiency of the  unhindered grace of God  that is powered by the Lord's fortitude given unto us to move forward.

Wether it is your weak points or your weaknesses, God can make you strong. Believe and confess that  " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

We are all destined for success. Good success is a product of keeping to the word of God. Human factors,  administrative procedures and we ourselves can be instrumental to an experience of failure.  Success is equally not achieved based on energy or human capacity to make things work.  It is not he that planted,  not the specialist in irrigation that waters but ultimately, it is God who alone blesses and brings increase.

Success is possible. The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it's possible to achieve it. The limiting thoughts are not good. Slothfulness will not help the matter.  Only the visionary and those that refuse to quit when failure is experienced in an experiment will end up with invention.

Mentors are pathfinders.  Guardians are good.  Leaders must be followed. Ideas of Spiritual Directors must not be jettisoned. Success is easily achieved when you follow the principles and the path of those who have succeeded before . Choose to follow those who are following the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Hold on to the WORD of God and his promises.  I see you succeeding in the name of Jesus Christ

You are a carrier of grace for success. You are destined for maximum output.

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde
Relationship Advisor for Maximum Output

Tuesday 28 July 2015


Tuesday, July 28

Isaiah 48:12-19


"I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you…." Isaiah 48: 18, NIV

Teaching is considered to be one of the most effective methods of transferring knowledge and skills to the learner. Among the qualities of a good teacher is the ability to learn new things, as well as efficiency at passing it across to the learner(s) through the most appropriate methods.

Amazingly, in spite of the principles and dynamics of teaching, there is still the problem of the falling standard of education. The reasons are simple: most teachers are deficient in grace. Again, some teachers are themselves struggling with some difficult issues of life, while majority does not understand the real needs and abilities of their learners.

Today's passage clearly reveals God as the best teacher. In contrast to all human teachers, God has good content, and He uses the appropriate methods. He also has the infinite requisite knowledge about the abilities, backgrounds, as well as the inhibiting social factors that are faced by the individuals (the learners).

Therefore, you will do well to submit to God's instructions, because they are best for you. If you are a teacher, you need to learn the art of teaching from Him.    

Birthday Blessing:  Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…. Proverbs 3:5-6

Read Bible Through Passage: Job 17, 18, 19, 20; Acts 24

He who rejects the teaching of the Lord will receive the troubles of the devil. - Femi Okunlola
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