Tuesday 2 September 2014



Tuesday, September 2

Jeremiah 11:1-10


…Cursed is the man who does not obey the terms of this covenant…. Jeremiah 11:3, NIV

A friend of mine once told me that he and his girlfriend made a "blood covenant". This they did by cutting each other's finger tip and taking turn to suck each other's blood.
Thereafter, they had sexual intercourse and promised never to have sexual relationship with any other person till they die.

But my friend broke the covenant and paid the price. He died mysteriously. The penalty for breaking any covenant is always grievous, and it could have effect on generations yet unborn.

All God's promises and blessings are premised on covenant agreement. He wants us to demonstrate full obedience to His laws before we can enjoy the blessings of His kingdom.

In today's passage, God, through prophet Jeremiah, promised to take the Israelites to a land flowing with milk and honey if they obeyed and did everything He had commanded.

However, the Israelites broke God's laws several times and they paid dearly for it. What is your attitude toward God's instructions? The truth is, you can only get the best from God when you are obedient to His Word (Isaiah 1:19).

• Birthday Blessing:
"Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me: O Lord, make haste to help me." Psalm 40:13

Read Bible Through Passage:
Psalm 139-144; 1 Corinthians 11

The greatest calling a man can experience is to be fully conquered by God, for such to conquer for Him. - Anonymous
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Tuesday, September 2

Jeremiah 11:1-10


…Cursed is the man who does not obey the terms of this covenant…. Jeremiah 11:3, NIV

A friend of mine once told me that he and his girlfriend made a "blood covenant". This they did by cutting each other's finger tip and taking turn to suck each other's blood.
Thereafter, they had sexual intercourse and promised never to have sexual relationship with any other person till they die.

But my friend broke the covenant and paid the price. He died mysteriously. The penalty for breaking any covenant is always grievous, and it could have effect on generations yet unborn.

All God's promises and blessings are premised on covenant agreement. He wants us to demonstrate full obedience to His laws before we can enjoy the blessings of His kingdom.

In today's passage, God, through prophet Jeremiah, promised to take the Israelites to a land flowing with milk and honey if they obeyed and did everything He had commanded.

However, the Israelites broke God's laws several times and they paid dearly for it. What is your attitude toward God's instructions? The truth is, you can only get the best from God when you are obedient to His Word (Isaiah 1:19).

• Birthday Blessing:
"Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me: O Lord, make haste to help me." Psalm 40:13

Read Bible Through Passage:
Psalm 139-144; 1 Corinthians 11

The greatest calling a man can experience is to be fully conquered by God, for such to conquer for Him. - Anonymous
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Wednesday 27 August 2014



Wednesday, August 27

1 Corinthians 13:1-7

If I give all I possess to the poor… but have not love, I gain nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:3, NIV

The hallmark of Christianity is love. Our salvation is a product of love; it was out of His love that God gave us His only Son (John 3:16). In fact, the Bible says that God is love (1 John 4:8).

So, whatever we do that is not borne out of love is not of Him. It has no eternal value. This was the emphasis of Paul's letter to the Corinthian believers. He told them categorically that if they did not have love, nothing else mattered. The truth is, there is no sense in giving when it is not motivated by love.

Love is a commitment to act in a certain way towards others. If you love, then you will give selflessly, sacrificially, without grudge and without expecting any appreciation. These are the kinds of giving acceptable before God.

Beloved, think about all the help you have rendered to people, what motivated you? Even your gifts to the church and brethren, what is motivating you? If it is not love, then you have been merely engaging in religious exercises.

It is expedient for you to begin to give in love. Remember, God can never forget your labour of love. In due time, He will repay you bountifully, both now and in eternity.

• Birthday Blessing: "Therefore thy gate shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought" Isaiah 60:11

Read Bible Through Passage: Psalm107-110; 1 Corinthians 6

Too much analysis of a thing or decision leads to paralysis of not taking any step on the matter. - Anonymous

Monday 25 August 2014



Monday, August 25

Mark 10:17-27


…Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven…. Mark 10:21, NIV

The beauty of our lives as Christians is in how many lives we touch for God while we live. A Christian's blessings are useless when they are not extended to others, especially the poor.

Giving to the poor is one way by which we lay up treasures for ourselves in heaven (Matthew 6:20). This is one act that defines Christianity.

The man in today's text had fulfilled all the commandments from his youth, except the aspect of generosity. His wealth and possessions had a hold on him such that he could forego the kingdom for them. He had treasures on earth, but none in heaven. What a fool!

A fool is someone who lives for him/herself alone. Such a person has no hope of eternity; he/she is an accident about to happen. God does not want you to be a fool. He created you to be wise. He would want you to replicate that wisdom in your decisions. He desires that you reign with Him in His kingdom.

Thus, whatever God has blessed you with (your gifts, time, intelligence, position, money, material things etc.) are meant to bless others, especially the poor and needy.

Do you want to have treasures in heaven? Do you want to be reckoned with in eternity? Then, learn to give to the poor. No matter how small, always consider it a privilege and make it a point of duty to be a blessing to someone today. You will not miss your reward.

• Birthday Blessing: "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Psalm 126:6

Read Bible Through Passage: Psalm 102-104; 1 Corinthians 4

What you do for others determines what God does for you. - Anonymous

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Thursday 24 July 2014



Thursday, July 24

Titus 3:8-14


This is a faithful saying… that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. Titus 3:8, KJV

When we are devoted to good works in Christ Jesus, it has multiple effects and dividends. It is beneficiary to the doer of the good works. It is also a blessing to the recipient of the good works.

God also commends us. Devotion to good work is profitable but before one can make profit in a business enterprise, the state and the disposition of the entrepreneur to his/her business counts.
Apostle Paul reminds us of this significance of good works if we avoid:
(i) foolish questions
(ii) foolish genealogies
(iii) contentions
(iv) striving about the law (v. 9)
(v) rejection of a heretic after the first and second admonition. There is a saying that "evil communication corrupts good manners."

My father once told me that if you are helping a person that is sinking in a deep sea and he/she appears to be pulling you to the depth of the water, the best option is to let go of him/her so that you do not perish along with him/her.

God demands your devotion and commitment to good works. Watch out for warning signs that can contaminate or hinder you from such and it shall be well with your soul.

• Birthday Blessing: "I will surely gather all of you…I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel…the place will throng with people-" Micah 2:12

Read Bible Through Passage: Job 1, 2, 3; Acts 20:17-38

The power of determination is the bedrock of destiny. - Anonymous

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Tuesday 22 July 2014



Tuesday, July 22

James 4: 11-17


Therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin James 4:17, NIV

Life always presents to us the options of good and evil. We have the opportunity to either speak evil or good of our colleagues.

If we decide to speak evil of anyone, by implication, we pronounce judgments on such individual (v. 11). God has not called us to pronounce judgment on others. He never made us judges. He is the Judge and Lawgiver (v. 12).

Today's text affirms that the good you know how to do but you decided not to do will be counted against. Look around. What are those things that God has been calling your attention to but you have ignored His promptings?

Those little acts of kindness that you have refused to do can pit you against God. We are also admonished to be careful of boasting about the future as if it is already ours. Jesus owns our tomorrow. We must ascribe all the glory to Him by acknowledging that He is supreme over our being.

It is a privilege to be alive and we must not take that for granted. All honour and adoration must be unto God.

Today, be conscious of the fact that God owns your life and future. Give Him the credit. This is the route to doing good as against evil.

• Birthday Blessing: "In the last days the mountain of the Lord's temple will be established as chief among mountains…and people will stream to it-" Micah 4:1

Read Bible Through Passage: Esther 6, 7, 8; Acts 19:23-41

Your boat cannot take you to where the fishes are but the Master can. - Anonymous

Sunday 20 July 2014



Sunday, July 20

1 Corinthians 10:9-13


…God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear…1 Corinthians 10:13, NIV

Life's journey is full of valley and mountain experiences. These, sometimes, paint God as unjust or unfaithful. However, it does not dispute the fact that God is a loving and caring Father.

God allows certain things to happen in our journey in life to see how faithful we are to Him; to check our stability and dependency on Him.

The Israelites failed to acknowledge the faithfulness of God in their distress and His acts of deliverance, provisions, miracles, even in the wilderness. They thus frustrated His grace and election over them and were destroyed by fiery serpents (Exodus 17:1-7; Numbers 20:1-13, 21:4-8).

Apostle Paul wants you to consider the mistakes of this people and learn from them. Do not provoke God because of what you are passing through.

Do not look at your problem but focus on God who has the authority to solve all problems in your life. Stay by His word in any circumstance of life for He has promised to deliver His people from their afflictions. He shall see you out of that tempting and frustrating experience. Just trust and take Him by His word and sincerely commit your life to His care.

• Birthday Blessing: "Finally, let no man cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus-" Galatians 6:17

Read Bible Through Passage: Esther 1, 2; Acts 18

Ignorance is deadly, it sends people to early grave, keeps people in bondage, and renders its victim useless. - Unknown
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