Thursday, June 26
1 Corinthians 12:12-20
For as the body is one and has many members... 1 Corinthians 12:12-20
Paul, in this writing to the Corinthians employed the unity of the operations of the body to establish a spiritual reality about the interdependent nature of the church of God. Though there are many members but the body remains one. This is the reality of our faith in Christ.
Though different in personality, but we are saved by the same grace. Like the human body, although they are many, yet they all unite in one harmonious whole.
The unity of the body of Christ is best portrayed as many members having similar pursuits in favour of the kingdom of God. As such, no distraction must be allowed to divert the view of the church from her commission in spite of the obvious difference.
From today's inspiration, it is advised that each believer take the stand of a crusader for the unity of the body in pursuits and purpose. From this, we would get the desired result to change the world for Christ.
Begin to pray to love the unlovable today. Also, you must follow up your prayers with actions. Give gifts to the unlovable; visit them and fellowship with them in truth. As you do so, you would ignite the fire of unity once again.
• Birthday Blessing: "Comfort, comfort my people, says your God." - Isaiah 40:1
Read Bible Through Passage: 2 Chronicles 4,5; Acts 4:1-22
The business of our lives is not to please ourselves but to please God. – Matthew Henry