Wednesday, June 11
1 Peter 1:13-21
But just as He who called you is Holy, so be holy in all you do. 1 Peter 1:15, NIV
Believers have been called by God to a holy living. God redeemed us through the precious blood of His only begotten Son and then calls us to live holy lives in order to please Him.
For us to maintain our sanctification and holy living, we must be clear thinkers (1 Peter 1:13, NLT). We must also know that God has no favourites and He does what He says He would do (v. 17).
As God's children, our hope is not here on earth alone. We have a better hope and home in view – heaven and holiness is a prerequisite to getting there. The way the Bible talks about holiness gives a clear indication that God would not compromise it for anything.
Beloved, have you ever thought about the nature of your call? It is a call to holy living. It is a call that leaves you with no option. If you have not been true to it before, repent before the Lord today and start a new life.
• Birthday Blessing: "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast…. Though she may forget, I will not forget you!" - Isaiah 49:15
Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Chronicles 3, 4; John 13:31-38
Don't allow your environment to dictate your destiny; you are not just a being but a being with divine back up to be fulfilled. – Unknown