Thursday 29 May 2014


Thursday, May 29
2 Chronicles 36:15-21

And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon .... 2 Chronicles 36:20, KJV
One of the worst things that can happen to any person is to find him/herself at the mercy of his/her enemy. In today's text, it was God Himself who handed Israel over to their enemies to be tormented.

Verses 15 and 16 tell us that God sent His messengers to warn them but they mocked them and despised God's Words. This kindled the wrath of God and God raised an enemy in person of Nebuchadnezzar who came and took them into exile and vandalised the city of Jerusalem.

We should be careful how we live. Failure to do so can bring trouble upon us. Disobedience to God is the opportunity the enemy uses to get an in-road into our lives. The reason some Christians have become mince-meat in the devil's hand is disobedience. As a result, they seek serious deliverance.

Beloved, the devil will always lurk around for disobedient children of God because he knows that such do not have the protection of God. So beware!

• Birthday Blessing: "... Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld ...." - 2 Chronicles 20:20

Read Bible Through Passage: 2 Kings 3, 4; John 8:1-11

Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil, and let us see what we are made of. They just turn up some of the ill weeds on the surface. – Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday 27 May 2014


Tuesday, May 27
Jeremiah 52:1-9

Then the city was broken up and all the men of war fled ... Jeremiah 52:7, KJV

The fall of Jerusalem was a fulfilment of prophecy. This happened when the people who are supposed to be holy sinned against God. Zedekiah provides us an example. Verses 2-3 tell us that "He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, just as Jehoiakim had done.

It was because of the LORD's anger that all this happened to Jerusalem and Judah, and in the end, He thrust them from His presence ...."

It is important to note that God responds to our attitude - when we do right, He rewards us with good; and when we do evil, and refuse to repent, He punishes us. In most cases, we are responsible for whatever happens to us.

It should be noted that Jerusalem fell at the time of Zedekiah not just because there was a prophecy in place for this to happen, but because Zedekiah sinned against God.

The lesson is, when we turn to God and do what is right before Him, He will also turn the evil away from us, and reward us with His goodness.

• Birthday Blessing: "...And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins" - Romans 11:26-27

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Kings 22; John 7:14-36

We are products of our choices and not of our circumstances. By making conscious, aware choices, can we positively influence our situation? – Eric Allenbaugh

Monday 26 May 2014


Monday, May 26
Luke 19:45-48

And He went into the temple, and begins to cast out them that sold therein and them that bought. Luke 19:45, KJV

The church is a place to be revered whenever we gather to worship. The sanctity and reverence for corporate places of worship should be maintained and observed by all believers in Christ Jesus.

It is sad that today, the temple of God in several places is being misused. Some have turned them to entertainment halls, party zones and beer parlours. Some even commit sexual sins within the house of God. What an abomination!

In what ways do you misuse the church building where you are supposed to worship God? Are you one of those who watch pornography on cell phones while in the church? Do you take pleasure in looking seductively at sisters in church during service? Do you steal the church money? Stop this, before God disgraces you before people.

God is jealous over His house, as demonstrated by Jesus, so He would do everything to cleanse it of terrible people. You are therefore enjoined to desist from those heinous acts and live your life to please God.

• Birthday Blessing: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" - Hebrews 13:5

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Kings 20, 21; John 7:1-13

God is not grading how well we express ourselves at the place of prayer, but how faithful are we to His command. – Unknown

Friday 23 May 2014


Friday, May 23
1 Kings 8:31-36

...Then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the sin of thy people Israel .... 1 Kings 8:34, KJV

King Solomon addressed two issues in His prayer. The first was establishing who is guilty and who is innocent when two persons (or neighbours) are in disagreement, by coming to swear an oath before the altar in the temple. The other has to do with God forgiving any sinner who truly asks for His forgiveness.

It is important for us as children of God to be quick at acknowledging our faults and sin whether against our neighbours or God, rather than looking for ways to cover them and thus attract God's wrath. Proverbs 28: 13 says, "He who covers his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them, finds mercy."

It is of no use attempting to shy away from your sins, rather, confess immediately and forsake them so that the "time of refreshing may come from the presence of our God". Also, ask those whom you have offended to forgive you. Do not wait until it is too late.

Remember your offering will not be acceptable to God until you have settled your score with your neighbour(s).

• Birthday Blessing: "...but the LORD's unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him" - Psalm 32: 10

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Kings 14, 15; John 6: 1-21

A good test of character - when we do wrong, who do we blame? – Haddon Robinson

Thursday 22 May 2014


Thursday, May 22
Leviticus 19:11-17

… Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour... Leviticus 19: 13, KJV

We need to be reminded that our neighbours are those with whom we relate or meet from time to time. Technology, to a large extent, has changed our perception on the definition of a neighbour.

In today's passage, God, speaking through His servant Moses, gives us some golden rules to apply when relating with our neighbours - we should not steal or defraud our neighbours, we should also be fair to them. In verse 14, God notes the fact that some of the people we meet on daily basis could be physically challenged, hence He warns us against abusing them or taking undue advantage of them by misleading them.

Also, God does not want us to spread rumours among ourselves, neither does He want us to hate one another. Instead, we should express God's love among ourselves and correct those who wrong us in love. If there is any misunderstanding between you and your classmate, neighbour etc., settle it today.

Encourage your parents to stop keeping malice with your neighbour(s) if you notice anything like that. Love that physically challenged fellow in your church if there is any.

• Birthday Blessing: "In the time of my favour I will answer you..." - Isaiah 49:8

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Kings 12, 13; John 5:28-47

The Christian is supposed to love his neighbour, and since his wife is his nearest neighbour, she should be his deepest love. – Martin Luther

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Daily Devotional

Wednesday, May 21
Deuteronomy 11:1-7

Love the LORD your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands always. Deuteronomy 11: 1, NIV

If you made the wise choice yesterday, then you know that the only thing required more is for you to be consistent.

Yes, consistency is the word. God wants you to always keep His Words. It is no use beginning something when you know you cannot continue in it. To "continue the word always" implies being consistent both in the secret and in the open. It also implies being consistent both in good and bad times, when it is convenient and not convenient.

Whether you are rich or poor, you must keep God's commandment always. God is counting on you to keep His Word always.
Every investment of God over you is to achieve the purpose of keeping His instructions.

Do you know that it is all for your good? God has nothing to lose if you fail to obey Him. You are the one who is playing game with your life, both here and in eternity. Be wise!

• Birthday Blessing: "The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them..." - Psalm 34: 17

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Kings 10, 11; John 5:1-27

To my God, a heart of flame; to my fellow men, a heart of love; to myself, a heart of steel. – Augustine

Monday 19 May 2014

Daily Devotional

Monday, May 19
Deuteronomy 7:7-16

Know therefore that the LORD your God is God ... keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations.... Deuteronomy 7:9, NIV

Whatever God asks us to do is for our own good and for His own glory. However, if we refuse to obey Him, He will still be glorified through other means though we will not be blessed. Just as God loved the Israelites, He has chosen us out of His love. His faithfulness never comes to an end. They are always new.

Knowing this, what manner of man or woman should you be?
Simply, God expects you to reciprocate this by loving Him and keeping His commands. God's love should gear you to do His will. He who does not love God cannot keep His commandment.

In "Experiencing God", Henry Blackaby rightly stated that if you have a problem obeying God, you actually have a love problem. The question then is, do you love God? (John 14:15, 21:24). Keeping God's commands without love for Him attracts no blessing.

But carefully obeying His Words because you love Him brings numerous blessings your way. As from today, love God and keep His Words and your blessings will be sure.

• Birthday Blessing: "Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, ...." - Psalm 2:8

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Kings 7; John 4: 14-39

By obeying God's commands, you will gain more than you can give. – Thomas Brooks