Wednesday 13 November 2013


Lagos Central Baptist Men Missionary Union 3rd Annual Conference
Saturday16.Nov@First Baptist Church .FESTAC Town Lagos Nigeria.

Each Local Churh MMU should send officers and members. All MMU Association Executive  are requested to attend. Pastors+Deacons  should come and enrich the meeting

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde Conference President

Friday 8 November 2013


5 Methods of Bible Study

Apr 7th, 2010
Adam Faughn↓

Skip to commentsI hear often, "I know I need to study the Bible, but I just don't know how to get started." That is a very logical complaint. Let's be honest: the Bible is a fairly large book with a lot of material in it! We often hear those who have studied the Bible their entire lives say, "I still study because there's something left to master." That is great, but for one trying to start studying, it can be a bit discouraging.The major step is starting, but how? There are many different ways to study the Bible. I want to share 5 with you that require little, if any, materials other than a Bible and something to take notes with. Choose one and start there.1. With a telescope. Study the Bible from an overview perspective. What is the overall message of God's Word? What are its major themes? How does it all piece together? The class I teach on Sunday mornings is beginning a series on the chronology of the Bible. It may not be an in-depth study, but it should help us all get a good overview of the message of God's Book. A lot of good background materials on the Bible can be found online for free. Ask the same questions of the Bible that you would for any other book (theme, author, purpose, etc.) and makes notes.

2. Book by book. Once you have a decent knowledge of the overall message of God's Word, select a book you want to know more about. (May I suggest, for your first one, that you select an easier or more familiar book? Don't start out with Romans, Ezekiel, or Revelation!) Check your church library or online for a good commentary to help you, but make your own notes! Read and reread and re-reread the text. Ask what you want to know more about, then study that passage in greater depth. You'll probably be amazed how many notes you take and what a great resource they become when you return to study that book later! (One further suggestion. If you are just starting out, select a shorter book like First Timothy. You'll be more likely to finish and that will motivate you to move on to another book.

)3. By topic. Why do we baptize for remission of sins? Why do we worship on Sunday? What was involved in the Passover? These are questions that can be studied topically. Select a topic or issue you want to know more about and start finding every passage that speaks to that topic. Some online tools can help, as can a work such as Nave's Topical Bible. Start a notebook and write what you want most to learn and to gain from this study. Then dig deeply!

4. By personality. When you read Ruth are you moved by Naomi? Do you want to be more like Daniel? Does one of the apostles touch your life in a special way? Then study that life! Use an online concordance and print out a list of every time that person's name appears in Scripture (just be sure that, if you are studying Joseph, for example, you know which Joseph!). Then read and study those passages. What did that person do well? What was the motivation in that person's life? Where did they fail? Whom did they influence? (By the way, study the lives of some who weren't so "positive," too, and it will add depth to your Bible knowledge.)

5. By word study. Honestly, this may be the most difficult, but it is often the most rewarding. What makes studying words difficult is that it takes a lot of digging to get at the original meaning. What does "atonement" mean? What does the Bible mean when it speaks of "mercy"? What is "sanctification?" How does the Bible define "love"? Find all you can find about these words and you'll have a richer experience the next time you see them in Scripture- See more at:

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde Conference President

Wednesday 6 November 2013


The Prog holds on Sat.November.9 at First Baptist Church Ajegunle.9am .From each church we expect
-Sunday School
- Children & Sunbeam Coordinators
-Teenagers' Coordinator
Rev Ssmuel Nyi Oladejo will minister

From: Isaiah Olanrewaju <>;
To: <>;
Sent: Thu, Oct 31, 2013 1:49:02 PM

Tuesday 5 November 2013

OluFamous.Com: This Lady Got Pregnant at 18; Today at 25 She Is Overall Best Graduating Student

This Lady Got Pregnant at 18; Today at 25 She Is Overall Best Graduating Student

Seven years after an unwanted pregnancy forced her to drop out of the University of Ilorin, Aishat Farooq has emerged the best graduating student of the Bells University of Technology in Ota, Ogun State. When Aishat Farooq gained admission into the University of Ilorin at 15, to study Zoology, little did she know that her secret romance with a boy will abort her lofty dreams through pregnancy...Despite the fact that she was a high flyer in her first two years in UNILORIN, the now 25-year-old indigene of Ilorin, Kwara State, got distracted along the line. She played the campus love game and got a shocking result: she got pregnant. It was in 2006 and in her third year. She was pregnant for a fellow student whom she had been dating. She was disappointed in herself and thought the whole world was crashing on her. Yet, she vowed not to terminate the pregnancy.Although she wanted to continue her studies in the university, she became disillusioned and dropped out at 18. She sought consolation in trading. But her father, Shehu Farooq, who believed that his daughter's academic prowess should not be wasted, was determined to get her back on the academic track.Today, Aishat has a different story. On Saturday, she stood tall among her peers at the 5th convocation ceremony of Bells University, Ota, Ogun State, where she emerged the overall best graduating student with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 4.93."The rebel in me won," Aishat declared while giving the valedictory address on behalf of the 208 graduating students of the university."I hope my story will inspire at least one person to change his or her circumstance. I was pregnant at 18 and by 19 I was already a mother. I had disappointed my father who believed so much in me. He had such big dreams for me and feared the dreams would become unfulfilled," she added.Breaking the news of the pregnancy to her father, who was at the time based in the northern part of the country, was not easy. Aishat's mother, Fatima, who stayed in Lagos with the family, did not break the "sad news" to the man until the lady was almost due. The mum then feared her husband would be too angry.Aishat studied Business Administration with specialisation in Human Resources Management, and received the Vice-Chancellor's Prize for the Overall Best Graduating Student with a cash reward of N50,000 and a plaque. She also won the College of Management Sciences Prize and Department of Business Administration Prize for the Best Graduating Student.Speaking with Punch's Temitayo Famutimi after she received the awards, Aishat, whose face beamed with smiles, expressed gratitude to her dad for not losing hope in her during her trying time.She noted, "I did exceptionally well and bagged awards in the schools I attended. I had the overall best result at the Senior Secondary School Certificate level at Model Secondary School, Maitama, Abuja. In fact in UNILORIN, I was on the first class grade in my first year but in 200 Level, I dropped to second class upper division because I had already started getting distracted by the boys."It just happened that things turned out the way it did. But here I am, a product of God's unending mercies, unconditional love and grace – all coupled with the faith my dad had in me and my fierce determination."I'm a goalgetter. I push myself hard. Even here in spite of being a mother, I was pushing for the best despite the challenges. I wanted to make my dad proud again. Once you are determined, nothing is impossible. Nothing can stop you."

For Picture

Rev. Dr. O.Kehinde Babarinde
Chairman, EMB
"Raising Standard of Education through Christian Model Schools for Excellence and Godliness "

Sunday 3 November 2013

U.K Visa Victory at Last

BRITAIN STOP £3, 000 Run away Guarantee

he government is to abandon a controversial plan to impose £3,000 immigration bonds on visitors from "high-risk" countries in Africa and Asia after Nick Clegg threatened to block the policy.The move will be seen by Labour as a humiliating U-turn for Theresa May, the home secretary. It came after David Cameron backed off from a full-scale confrontation with the Liberal Democrat leader, who was blocking the scheme's progress through cabinet.
A pilot project to target visitors from seven countries - including India, Pakistan and Nigeria - who would have had to pay a cash guarantee or deposit to deter immigration abuse was to have been introduced this month.

The plan was to make visitors forfeit £3,000 if they failed to return home by the time their visas had expired. But in an announcement this weekend the government said it was canceling the plans

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde Conference President


Dearly beloved Kingdom People who are committed to Kingdom Projects as means to break New Frontiers,  I stand at the Center of God's Affection and Vision to wish you a joyful  & acceptable Thanksgiving  that will unlock heavenly doors and floodgates.Reasons for  thanksgiving will never cease in your churches and families.Ps.100:4. RevDrOK

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde Conference President


Dearly beloved Kingdom People for Kingdom Projects, I stand at the Center of God's affection and Vision to wish you a joyful  and acceptable Thanksgiving  that will unlock heavenly doors and floodgates.Reasons for  thksgiving will never cease in your churches and families.

Ps.100Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. [2] Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. [3] Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. [4] Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. [5] For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.God bless you today and always as you join other Nigerian Baptist Convention Churches today or next Sunday for 2013 Annual Thanksgiving.God blessings be upon you

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde Conference President

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde Conference President